Upcoming trips and events:
Plans for 2025
Although not yet announced, we plan to show up at QED as usual, likely in September. See you there!
Previous events:
QED, Manchester UK, 18-20 September 2024
Pontus and András were present. As last year, they both gave Skepticamp talks and had a great time over all!
ESC, the European Skeptics Congress, Lyon, France, 31 May–2 June 2024
Pontus was there had lovely time catching up with new and old friends. He did stand in for Professor Chris French (who came with covid) and delivered the talk that Chris had prepared. It went down pretty well, apparently!
QED, Manchester UK, 23-24 September 2023
Pontus and András were present QED, Annika unfortunately couldn’t make it. They both gave Skepticamp talks and had a good time reconnecting with old friends!
Club Sysifos, Prague, 17 May 2023
Pontus gave a talk called The Swedish Experiment, which was about the Swedish covid-19 response.
SkepKon, Frankfurt, 18 – 20 May 2023
Annika was among the speakers at this yearly meeting of the German skeptics (GWUP).
New Zealand, 5 – 12 December 2022
After the our time in Australia we made it over to New Zealand. (Unfortunately Annika and András could not join, so it was only Pontus and Claire)
- Auckland: Skeptics in the Pub: 6 December
- Wellington: Skeptics in the Pub: 7 December
- Dunedin: Skeptics in the Pub: 10 December
- Christchurch: Skeptics in the Pub: 11 December
Australian Tour, 23 November – 5 December 2022
In Australia we were joined by Claire Kroulik-Klingenberg
- Sydney: 23 – 25 November
On 24 November: The European Skeptical Experience, hosted by Dr. Karl! (New venue! Click link for details) - Melbourne: 25 – 28 November
On 25 November: European Skeptics Dinner. - Gold Coast / Brisbane: 28 – 1 December
On 28 November, Brisbane: Dinner and talk at the Queensland Skeptics, Junction Hotel, Annerley
On 29 November, Gold Coast: Skeptics in the Pub – The European Skeptics - Canberra: 1 – 5 December, the highlight being:
Australian Skeptics National Convention 2022, 3-4 December
Events connected to the Convention:
2 December, from 6pm: Social event at The Civic Pub
3 December, 6pm: Official Dinner (ticketed)
4 December, from 5pm: Post-convention drinks at King O’Malley’s
A big thank you to our Australian friends, we had a great time!
QED in Manchester, UK, 28 – 30 Oktober 2022
- Skepticamp: Pontus and András were both among the speakers on the Friday Skepticamp event. See schedule here!
- Live recording of the ESP: Unfortunately András had to cancel last minute, but Annika and Pontus were joined by the brilliant minds of Claire Kroulik-Klingenberg (Czech Skeptics, also head of ECSO) and Brian Eggo (Glasgow Skeptics) for a live recording. The result can be heard on Ep. #350 – Live at QED!
- Skeptics in the Pub panel: Pontus was one of the panelists on how to best organize a skeptics in the pub event. Invaluable advice for aspiring and experienced organizers alike!
ESC in Vienna, Austria, 9 – 11 September 2022
- All three hosts took part in the Opening Panel and the sessions Skepticism in the Classroom and Making science-based decisions in politics were led by Pontus and András, respectively. Thanks to all of you who came up and said hi!