
Really Right

Alphabetical list of all the Really Right Awards

Alfred Nobel:
#294: Alfred Nobel had the right idea when he created his prize

Andrei Norkin:
#352: To Russian TV host Andrei Norkin, for saying it as it is in the most intelligent way

the Anti-Vaxx Playbook:
#255: The Anti-vaxx Playbook

Apple TV:
#402: Apple TV, for putting out a factual documentary out about the Enfield poltergeist

#437: The ASA bans ads for supplements against autism in the UK

The Baden-Württemberg Medical Association:
#439: The Baden-Württemberg Medical Association in Germany says goodbye to homeopathy

#145: Bahnhof defies Elsevier

Bibsam Consortium:
#126: Bibsam Consortium for not renewing Elsevier agreement

#328: 1 billion Euro pledged to decrease Sweden’s CO2 emissions by 3%
#191: for setting things straight

the CMA:
#286: the CMA for fining them (Advance Pharma), big time

Comunicare il Cancro:
#290: Cancer and fake news: One news item in three are false on social media. To the rescue: “Comminicare Il Cancro”

#395: The Retraction Watch Database becomes completely open thanks to CrossRef

DA! Art Prize:
#211: DA! art Prize Focusing on Pseudoscience with this Year’s Patron – Natalie Grams

Daily Mail:
#162: The Daily Mail (!) for bashing statin deniers
#204: Daily Mail Debunks Stupid Diets

Danish Government:
#077: Blasphemy law repealed in Denmark

the Edinburgh Skeptics:
#085: The Edinburgh Skeptics for organising Skeptics on the Fringe

Edzard Ernst:
#347: Karl Lauterbach moves towards removal of homeopathy from statutory benefits (following the input from Edzard Ernst and Nikil Mukerji)

#383: Estonia first Central European state to legalize same-sex marriage

EU Parliament:
#420: EU’s ‘Nature restoration laws’ pass after all

the European Commission:
#384: EU to bring political advertisement under strict control to keep disinformation at bay

the European Court of Human Rights:
#298: Midwife denied appeal in European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)

Finnish Skeptics:
#091: Skeptical activism keeps Avocado (Wolfe) out of Finland

French National Assembly:
#415: French National Assembly for strengthening patient protection from treatments that pose potential health risks

Gerald Woerlee:
#226: Dutch anaesthesiologist Gerald Woerlee, author of the free book “Anesthesia and the Soul”

Greta Thunberg:
#135: Greta Thunberg, 15, takes a stand for climate

the Guardian:
#059: The Guardian for debunking cancer myths

Hajo Seppelt:
#311: Hajo Seppelt for the documentary “Wie Gott uns schuf”

Hans Rosling:
#061: Prof Hans Rosling for educating the world with facts

Humanists UK:
#408: Humanists UK for fighting anti-abortion bill in the parliament

Ia Anstoot:
#393: Young climate activist Ia Anstoot for telling Greenpeace to drop ‘old-fashioned’ anti-nuclear stance

Ingeborg Bosch:
#215: After Action From VtdK, the Royal Dutch Medical Association Again(!) Stops Accreditation of BS Therapy “PRI”

Jacob Gudiol:
#122: Jacob Gudiol for breaking down the myths about artificial sweeteners

Jakub Żulczyk:
#267: Polish writer Jakub Żulczyk calls out Duda for being a moron

Jan Korditschke (et al.):
#274: The Catholic priests backing the “Liebe Gewinnt”-initiative in Germany

Karl Lauterbach:
#347: Karl Lauterbach moves towards removal of homeopathy from statutory benefits (following the input from Edzard Ernst and Nikil Mukerji)
#410: Germany’s health minister Karl Lauterbach wants to abolish funding of homeopathy

Kim Källström:
#170: Football player Kim Källström, for not promoting gambling

The Lancet Group:
#183: To the Lancet Group for committing to gender equity and diversity

Lars Gårdfeldt:
#292: Swedish priest refuses to marry heterosexual couples as a protest

Laura Brennan:
#132: Terminally ill Laura Brennan promotes vaccine that could’ve saved her

Our listeners and patrons:
#358: For supporting us, listening to us, sending us Christmas money and monthly payments, for enabling us to travel to three destinations this year and for keeping us going, our listeners and especially our Patreons are receiving this week’s prize for being Really Right. We couldn’t do what we’re doing without you.

Manifesto Against Pseudotherapies:
#245: Manifesto against pseudotherapies

Maria Gunther:
#394: Swedish science journalist Maria Gunther for putting nuclear risks in perspective

Mary MacAleese:
#117: Mary MacAleese, former president of Ireland

Maurice Hilleman:
#425: Maurice Hilleman developed over 40 vaccines during his career.

the NHS:
#221: The NHS for an excellent information page about homeopathy

Nikil Mukerji:
#347: Karl Lauterbach moves towards removal of homeopathy from statutory benefits (following the input from Edzard Ernst and Nikil Mukerji)

Norwegian authorities:
#362: Norway revokes Jehovah’s Witnesses status as religion

the Norwegian Labour Party and the newspaper Dagbladet:
#147: Really Right prize for suggesting the revoking of VAT excemption for alternative medicinal practices.

Ovidiu Covaciu:
#150: Ovidiu Covaciu, educating people about vaccinations in a Facebook group.

People donating to the QED fund:
#441: People donating to the QED fund

the Polytechnic University of Marche:
#290: Cancer and fake news: One news item in three are false on social media. To the rescue: “Comminicare Il Cancro”

Pope Francis:
#332: Pope Francis for making Pope Pius XII.’s archive accessible online

the Public Health Agency of Sweden:
#156: Chickenpox vaccinations to (finally) be included in national program

Retraction Watch:
#395: The Retraction Watch Database becomes completely open thanks to CrossRef

Richard Wiseman:
#368: New podcast by one of our favorite people: ‘Richard Wiseman’s On Your Mind’

Sergio Mattarella:
#305: Italian President Sergio Mattarella asks media to stop the “false balance” of giving airtime to the no-vax movement

#167: are Really Right for relentlessly debunking stupidity – most recently about Notre-Dame.

Staffan Bergström:
#232: Retired professor and MD turns himself in for assisted death

Prof. Stephen Powis:
#264: Prof Stephen Powis at the NHS

the students at Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule Moers:
#230: Secondary School students in Germany don’t back down from their “tinfoil hat” project

Swedish Authorities:
#314: Sweden finally puts a stop to misleading health claims on supplements

Swedish Board of Agriculture:
#139: Really Right award concerning CRISPR research.

Swedish Food Safety Agency:
#228: Swedish Food Safety Agency invites the public to report illegal ads for supplements against COVID19

Swedish Government:
#182: The end of Anthroposophical ‘medicine’ in Sweden!

Swedish Medical Association:
#025: The Swedish Medical Association, for taking a stand against Anthroposophy

Swedish people:
#069: Swedes for handling an attack in their capital without panic

Things in 2019:
#202: A List of Things in 2019 That Made the World a Better Place

UK Government:
#436: The new UK Labour Government has appointed a scientist as Science Minister and will ban conversion therapy – a good start!

#282: Russian food firm forced to retract lesbian family ad

the Welsh Senedd:
#433: The Welsh Senedd (Welsh parliament) wants to criminalize political lies